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Murat Gunel, MD

Faculty Member

Center for Neurocognition and Behavior | Center for Neurocomputation and Machine Intelligence | Center for Neurodevelopment and Plasticity

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Biology of neurodevelopmental and neurovascular diseases

Murat Günel's research focuses on gene discovery in the human brain's diseases, including its development, vascular disease, and tumors. He applies next-generation genomic technologies to study the genetic and epigenetic causes of human cortical development, intracranial aneurysms, and central nervous system tumors. Günel's research integrates his expertise in genomics and neurosurgery with computational biology and neuroscience, fostering interdisciplinary collaboration to unravel the complex mechanisms underlying human brain development. His work aims to translate these insights into innovative neurosensing and neuromodulation approaches, paving the way for advanced treatments of neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD).




Günel is Sterling Professor of Neurosurgery, Professor of Neurobiology and of Genetics, and Chairman of the Neurosurgery Department. He also serves as co-director of the Yale Program on Neurogenetics. Among several initiatives, Günel has co-led the Yale Center for Mendelian Genomics, the Yale brain tumor SPORE application, and the Yale NDD neurosensing and neuromodulation (NS/ND) program.